Thermal Models

The list shows the three main model, thermal expansion, thermal flow and heat transfer. All can use simular parameters to work.

Thermal ModelThermal ExpansionThermal FlowHeat Transfer
Heat Transfer Coefficient✔️✔️✔️
Environmental Temperature✔️✔️✔️
Thermal Conductivity✔️
Thermal Expansion Coefficient✔️
Thermal Conductivity Print Bed✔️
Print Bed Temperature✔️

There are block defined properties for needed for the thermal models.

Specific Heat Capacity$\left[\frac{J}{kgK}\right]$Specific heat capacity of the block
Density$\left[\frac{kg}{m^3}\right]$Specific heat capacity of the block
Horizon$[m]$Radius of the neighborhood

Thermal Expansion

Calculates the thermal expansion of the material.

Thermal Expansion Coefficient$\left[1/K\right]$Thermal expansion can be a $3\times3$ matrix.
Thermal expansion

PeriLab supports currently only isotropic thermal expansion.

Thermal Flow

Thermal Conductivity$\left[\frac{W}{mK}\right]$

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer Coefficient$\left[\frac{W}{m^2K}\right]$Coefficient describing the heat transfer between a solid and a gas or liquid

Model merging

In PeriLab you are able to combine models with each other, by simply adding a +. Therefore, modules can be merged and double coding can be avoided. This is necessary if you want to model the heating of a model and its expansion.

Full Model

If you want to run a full thermal model Thermal Flow + Heat Transfer + Thermal Expansion.

Model order

The order is defined by the user. Therfore, in this example first the flow, than the transfer to the environment and than the expansion will be calculated.