
The datamanager is a central part of PeriLab. You can create fields as you need them.

Create constant node fields

Constant node fields are fields with the length of the number of nodes. It return one vector of type Type_of_variable.

field = datamanager.create_constant_node_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Degree_of_freedom::Int64)

You can get constant fields

field = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String)

Create non-constant node fields

Non-constant node fields are fields with the length of the number of nodes. Each node could have any degree of freedom. You will get a field with N and N+1 created it by this command

fieldN, fieldNP1 = datamanager.create_node_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Degree_of_freedom::Int64)
Switch values

The non-constant fields are switched automatically at the end of each time integration step. At the beginning of the next step NP1 is zero, wheras N is the NP1 from the previous step.

You can get non-constant fields as

fieldN = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String, "N")
fieldNP1 = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String, "NP1")
fieldN = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname*"N"::String)
fieldNP1 = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname*"NP1"::String)

Create constant bond fields

Constant bond fields are fields with the length of the number of nodes. Each node has a vector of lenght number of neighbors or bonds with a defined degree of freedom. It return one vector of type Type_of_variable.

field = datamanager.create_constant_node_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Degree_of_freedom::Int64)

You can get constant fields

field = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String)

Create non-constant bond fields

Non-constant node fields are fields with the length of the number of nodes. Each node has a vector of lenght number of neighbors or bonds with a defined degree of freedom. You will get a field of type Type_of_variable with N and N+1 created it by this command

fieldN, fieldNP1 = datamanager.create_bond_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Degree_of_freedom::Int64)
Switch values

The non-constant fields are switched automatically at the end of each time integration step. At the beginning of the next step NP1 is zero, wheras N is the NP1 from the previous step.

You can get non-constant fields as

fieldN = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String, "N")
fieldNP1 = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname::String, "NP1")
fieldN = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname*"N"::String)
fieldNP1 = datamanager.get_field(Fieldname*"NP1"::String)

Other Options

For node and bond fields (constant and non-constant) the following options are possible.

Matrix style

You can switch between vector and matrix. If you give the keyword MatrixorVector = "Vector" you get vector of length degree of freedom for each node or bond. If MatrixorVector = "Matrix" each node or bond gets matrix dof $\times$ dof

datamanager.create_node_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Matrix_or_Vector::String, Degree_of_freedom::Int64)

Pre-defined Values

You can add an optional value at the end. The default is zero.

datamanager.create_node_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, Degree_of_freedom::Int64, Value::Type_of_variable)

Create free size fields

Free size fields can be constant or non-constant. The size is defined by the user and must be a tuple. The field dimension is chosen by the user.

 field = datamanager.create_constant_free_size_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, size::Tuple)
 fieldN, fieldNP1 = datamanager.create_free_size_field(Fieldname::String, Type_of_variable::Type, size::Tuple)
free size example

A constant node field with a matrix $3\times3$ per node can be defined in a free size field by

field = datamanager.create_constant_free_size_field("Example", Float64, (number_of_nodes, 3, 3))