PeriLab - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Questions

What is PeriLab?

PeriLab is a peridynamic simulation software designed for different kind of mechanical problems.

Installation and Setup

What are the system requirements for installing PeriLab?

In order to install PeriLab, you will need to have a recent version of Julia or Docker installed on your system.

How do I update my PeriLab software?

To update PeriLab you just need to run julia -e "using Pkg; Pkg.update()" or pull the latest version of the PeriLab Docker image.

Simulation and Analysis

How can I generate my own input mesh?

There are multiple options to generate your own input mesh:

  • Use the Perihub framework to generate your own input mesh.

  • Generate your own input mesh with julia, here is an example.

  • Create a .png image of your 2D model and translate it with this script.

  • Use an existing Abaqus Inputfile (.inp).

  • Transfer your mesh using meshio

  • Create a feature issue and let us know what you need.

What to do with my results?

First of all congratulations 🎉 on the success of your simulation. Now, you can take a look at your results. To do that, you can use ParaView it's free and very powerful.

Can I customize parameters for my simulations in PeriLab?

Yes, PeriLab allows users to customize various parameters to tailor simulations based on their specific requirements.


I'm experiencing technical issues with PeriLab. What should I do?

If you encounter technical issues, please create an issue and describe it in detail.

Additional Assistance

If your question is not addressed here, please feel free to contact us or create an issue for further assistance.


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