
Output File Type

Currently Exodus and CSV are supported as output types.

CSV File

Only variables that are defined as global variables are supported.

Flush File

By default the output files will be flushed after each write-step, meaning you can look at the results while the simulation is still running.

Output Frequency / Number of Output Steps

As the number of solver steps can be quite large and you don't want to buy new drives for every simulation we want to specify the number of output steps written.

You can either specify the total number of output steps via Number of Output Steps or the frequency of output via Output Frequency.

First time users

For first time users we will recommend to use Number of Output Steps in the range of 100 to 1000. Depending on your discretization this is enough to get a good idea of the simulation results.

Only damage

If you want to take a closer look at damage initiation and propagation and are worried about the result file size, you can write another output file with Write After Damage set to true.

Output Variables

Below you can find a list of all current Output Variables and the necessary Prerequisites.

Number of Neighbors-
Number of Filtered NeighborsBond-Filter
Update List-
Force Densities-
Cauchy Stress-
von Mises Stress-
OrientationsRotated Nodes
DamageDamage Model
Weighted VolumePD Solid Elastic
DilatationPD Solid Elastic
Yield ValuePD Solid Plastic
Lambda PlasticPD Solid Plastic
Zero Energy StiffnessCorrespondence
Plastic StrainCorrespondence Plastic
TemperatureThermal Models
Delta TemperatureThermal Models
Heat FlowThermal Models
Specific Heat CapacityThermal Models
Specific VolumeThermal Models
Surface_NodesThermal Models
ConcentrationCorrosion Models
Delta ConcentrationCorrosion Models
Concentration FluxCorrosion Models
Lumbed Mass MatrixFEA
Own Variables

All variables that are defined as global variables are supported as well as those defined in the mesh input f.e.: Angles