First Steps with PeriLab

Setting up the Environment

If want to use the PeriLab package you need to install it first. You can do it using the following commands:

using Pkg



julia> ] # ']' should be pressed

(@v1.9) pkg> add PeriLab

Additionally, it is recommended to check the version of PeriLab that you have installed with the status command.

julia> ]

(@v1.9) pkg> status PeriLab
      Status `~\v1.6\Project.toml`
  [a93c6f00] PeriLab v1.0.0

Throughout the rest of the tutorial we will assume that you have installed the PeriLab package and have already typed using PeriLab which loads the package:

using PeriLab

If you want to make sure everything works as expected you can run the tests bundled with PeriLab:

using Pkg

Pkg.test("PeriLab") # This will take a few minutes.